
Öffentlichkeit Screening
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1 Termin im Archiv
Donnerstag 7. April 2011

Austellung des Instituts für bildende Kunst, Abstrakte Malerei, Professor Erwin Bohatsch

kuratiert von Abraham Orden (Eröffnung 7. April, 19.00 Uhr) mit Edin Fakovic, Georg Haberler, Anna Reisenbichler, Markus Sandner

*The Window* by Robert Creeley

Position is where you
put it, where it is,
did you, for example, that

large tank there, silvered,
with the white church along-
side, lift

all that, to what
purpose? How
heavy the slow

world is with
everything put
in place. Some

man walks by, a
car beside him on
the dropped

road, a leaf of
yellow color is
going to

fall. It
all drops into
place. My

face is heavy
with the sight. I can
feel my eye breaking.

*Abraham Orden betreibt den Ausstellungsraum Song Song und ist Assistent der Klasse für Abstrakte Malerei, Erwin Bohatsch, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien

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