<STRIB_01> PREVIEW opening TONITE at
V_port 6/6/2011, 7pm
07.06. - 10.09.2011, daily 10am – 10pm
AV-Installation & Stationsbetrieb.
place : Museumsquartier
MQ wien | quartier21 | V_port | Museumsplatz 1 | 1070 Wien
opening: Mon 06.06.2011, 19h Stationsbetrieb 01: 22.6.2011, 19h -
free entrance
STR is BACK TO VIENNA, and show a mediainstallation – in progress- at V_port. A special AV-composition has been produced for the installation.During the exhibition diverse Field-Duty (“Stationsbetrieb”) activities are planned.
Work in Progress. Networking. Sounds. Images. Fabrics, Wood, etc
New Media Arte Povera, a term STR has created in 2009, is still their way to work.
After Station Rose has been operating abroad for 20 years, besides activities in Vienna throughout the years, Elisa Rose and Gary Danner are back home in Vienna. In February 2011 their second base in Frankfurt a.M. was abandoned until further notice, and since then Station Rose´s headquarter is in Vienna again.
STR worldwide activities so far:
Station in the 4th district, Vienna - AV-art and electronic music - media sculpture LogInCabin - AV-performances, TV, exhibitions, istallations, artproduction, lectures - <20 Digital Years plus> archive and book OUT NOW! - online since 1991 - stationrose.com.
Station Rose are considered as pioneers of Digital Culture, New Media Art, Electronic Music and Net Art. STR had integrated the Internet in their art on from 1988, and had started Vienna´s first Techno Club in 1989.
“Elisa Rose and Gary Danner were “out there” before there was a “there” to be “out” in.” Bruce Sterling 2011.
4th district: by founding Station Rose in Margaretenstrasse 6 in 1988, this district is blossoming ever since. STR has made this district to what it is today.
The field duty-activities at V_port at MQ continue now where the Station left off in 1991. During the installation STRIB01 STR will do upgrades step by step, and perform and interact live.
Coming: Stationsbetrieb_01 : 22/6/2011
Thanks to V_port team.