GENIAL DAGEGEN. Kuratiert von Robert Misik
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Professor of Human Geography, University of Sheffield
Few would dispute that we live in an unequal and unjust world, but what causes this inequality to persist? Leading social commentator and academic Danny Dorling claims that, as the five social evils identified by Beveridge are gradually being eradicated, they are being replaced by five new tenets of injustice, viz: elitism is efficient; exclusion is necessary; prejudice is natural; greed is good; and despair is inevitable.
In an informal yet authoritative style, Dorling examines who is most harmed by these injustices and why, and what happens to those who most benefit. Hard-hitting and uncompromising in its call to action, Dorlings writing and teaching is essential for everyone concerned with social justice.
Moderator: Robert Misik, Journalist and Author
Danny Dorling was educated at The University of Newcastle upon Tyne in Geography, Mathematics and Statistics leading to a PhD in the Visualization of Spatial Social Structure (1991). He continued studying in Social Science at Newcastle as a Joseph Rowntree Foundation and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow before moving to the University of Bristol to teach Geography there, next being appointed to a Chair of Quantitative Human Geography at the University of Leeds. Since 2003 he has been a Professor of Human Geography in the University of Sheffield. He is also Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Canterbury, NZ, and Visiting Professor in the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, UK. In 2003 Danny was appointed an Academician of the Academy of the Learned Societies in the Social Sciences.
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadtzeitung FALTER.
Karin Mendel
Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
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