mit Kodwo Eshun (London), Susanne Lang (Berlin), Irit Rogoff (London), Florian Schneider (München), Nicolas Siepen (Berlin), Nora Sternfeld (Wien)
The debates around education are shifting. In Europe, questions of coordinated systems with comparable outcomes seem to dominate the Concerned discussion around the forthcoming “Bologna” accord. While much critical opposition focuses on the loss of local traditions and fears of global homogenization - both sets of responses serve only to fetishize Knowledge within a commodity economy of education. In actuality numerous non-aligned initiatives are converging around “education”, recognizing that it is equally a platform for cultural actualisation and self organization.
In Mai 2007 various projects, initiatives and protagonists from the Fields of art, culture and political activism are going to gather in Berlin for an extraordinary conference: SUMMIT is a proposal to question and to change some of the fundamental terms of the debate around education, knowledge production and information society.
The background idea, the programm and themes of the SUMMIT will be presented and discussed.