Artists-in-Residence Talk: Our Voices
Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Literatur Diskussion
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Artists-in-Residence Olga Ramanava (Belarus) and Tatiana Sukhareva (Russia) share their experiences in an Artist Talk.
Date: January 27, 5pm
Venue: Artist-in-Residence Studio 501, MQ courtyard 7, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Moderation & Translation: Simon Mraz
Admission free
“What happens to your personality when you find yourself in the face of violence and a dictatorship? How does your psyche react, and how does your body feel? How does inner resistance work?
Are our experiences of life in Belarus and Russia similar or different? How has our understanding of ourselves changed?
In search of answers to these and other questions, we set up an experiment: we worked every day for a week in a free-writing method, and then we shared the results, trying to hear and understand each other as carefully as possible. Some of the images, dreams, memories, and flashbacks that surfaced in the process of our free-associative writing were a revelation to ourselves.
Based on these emotional and fragmentary recordings, we compiled our dialogue and called it Our Voices. We want to talk about our experiences. We want to be heard.”
– Olga Ramanava (Belarus) and Tatiana Sukhareva (Russia)