STREAM: Mai Ling Speaks #01
Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Vortrag
We can't find the internet
Attempting to reconnect
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Mai Ling Speaks is a series of online performances, lectures and interviews connecting the active voices that are dealing with the anti-Asian ramifications of these exceptional times. How can we find community and solidarity at a time where anti-Asian xenophobia related to Covid-19 is escalating? What are the tools needed to contest this new normality and what everyday practices of solidarity can be performed?
Mai Ling Speaks is a subversive format aiming to diverge the discourse towards the individuals and communities affected while, at the same time, creating a discursive platform that bridges artistic practices with theory.
20:00, Thursday 07. May
– “Mein Name ist Mai Ling” (12’05”, audio play/audio piece by Mai Ling | 2019)
– Online interview with new york based artist – Kenneth Tam who initiated “We are not Covid” and is part of StopDiscriminAsian (SDA) - a coalition of workers within arts and culture, who are confronting the racism, xenophobia and violence towards diasporic Asians that have been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are not Covid
StopDiscriminAsian (SDA)
Kenneth Tam