The Other is Oneself – Konferenz

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Konferenz
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Conference conceptualised and moderated by Isin Önol
Organised in the framework of the exhibition The Other is Oneself, curated by Fiona Liewehr
Project initiated by Sébastien de Ganay in collaboration with Hilfswerk International

The conference The Other is Oneself accompanies and departs from the exhibition of the same title and expands on the far-reaching dialectic of “the self” and “the other”: These two poles within our conscious, emotional, and collective worlds have always decisively fuelled the process of synthesising who we are. How do these fundamental concepts evolve due to the process and experience of migration — on all sides involved?

We have invited artists, politicians, government and NGO professionals, and scholars across the social sciences, humanities and legal disciplines to share experiences, analyses, and perspectives that enrich this vital discourse.


Friday 13th December

14:00 – 15:00 – Introductions by Sébastien de Ganay, Fiona Liewehr, and Isin Önol
15:00 – 15:30 – Keynote Presentation
15:30 – 16:00 – Lecture by Khaled Barakeh: The presence of the catastrophe and absence of the victim
16:00 – 16:15 Livia Alexander in conversation with Khaled Barakeh
16:15 – 16:30 – Coffee break
16:30 – 17:10 – Lecture by Lewis Johnson
“Demanding Legibilities: attesting bodies out of place in art from Van Gogh, Santiago Sierra and since”
17:20 – 18:00 – Sébastien de Ganay in conversation with Samar Yazbek
18:00 – 19:00 – Music performance by Golnar Shahyar + drinks

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