Artist Talk - Digitale Kunst: Erika Mondria
Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Vortrag
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Biometrische Messdaten in der Kunst mit Fokus auf Brain Computer Interface
Was ist Brain Computer Interface (BCI)?
Wie komplex ist die Anwendung biometrischer Daten in der Kunst? Die Anwendung der Technologie wird vor Ort demonstriert und wird anschließend in Bezug zu aktuellen Kunstprojekten zur Diskussion gestellt.
Als Inspirationsquelle besteht die Möglichkeit, das BCI selbst auszuprobieren.
Erika Mondria has studied Fine Art & Cultural Studies at the Linzer Art University and the Linzer Johannes Kepler University (graduated with honours), Fine Art in London at London Institute Camberwell College & Central St. Martins College and Fine Art in Marseille at Aix-Marseille Université. Additionally she is educated in different project-, communicationand conflict-management tools as well as moderation and coaching teams (NLP, PMA etc.). Besides the work she is active as an artist with many exhibitions and projects. Since 2009 she is managing the BrainLab at Ars Electronica Center working constantly on new cooperation?s and programs for visitors to reflect the permanently changing field of Neuro Science and Brain Computer Interface. : Außen – Innen (Erika Mondria, Anette Friedel)