Tidalectics Reading #1: On mere men and mermaids

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Diskussion Vortrag
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1 Termin im Archiv
Donnerstag 29. Juni 2017
29. Juni 2017
Tidalectics Reading #1: On mere men and mermaids

This event forms the first iteration in a series of readings hosted by TBA21?Augarten in relation to the current exhibition Tidalectics. Tidalectics proposes a renegotiation of our manifold relations with the oceans, be they real and/or imaginary, by developing a perspective from within that can be experienced through the artworks working with metaphor, rhythm, narration, and with regard to the texts through historic contingencies.

On mere men and mermaids – Reading by Katharina Brandl, curator and political scientist based in Basel, exploring the link between colonialism, gender, and the symbolic construction of the oceanic space and its inhabitants.

Texts by Carolyn Merchant, Teresia Teaiwa, Sylvia Winter, and Eva Hayward.

Just as feminized depictions of nature played a crucial role in modern science?s claim on ?her? domination, to this date, colonial myths about unlimited sexual freedom among the ?noble savages? of the Pacific play a role in mobilizing both the desire and masculinist violence crucial to imperialist projects.

The reading will be held in English.

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