Rare Earth: Curators' Tours

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Führung Ausstellung
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Donnerstag 30. April 2015
30. April 2015
Rare Earth: Curators' Tours

Indulge in an afternoon of Rare Earth knowledge and satiate the inquisitive urges with first-hand information via the curators themselves in a series of guided tours through the entire exhibition. Experience each artwork with a candid look and an in-depth perspective.

?Rare Earth is a timely project, as it challenges a dominant cliché associated with daily experience in our information society, namely the rhetoric of dematerialization and untethering exemplified by the language of ?cloud computing? and discussions of our ?weightless economy?. Challenging this outlook is worthwhile because the fantasy that we have somehow broken free of material concerns licenses ecological devastation – as we lose sight of the fact that our physical resources are limited. This vision pushes aside the issues of economic, political and social justice – as conflict and struggle for the control of resources lies outside its scope.” -Nadim Samman

?Although plentiful, rare earth elements gain the designation ?rare? because they are geographically dispersed - only found in small concentrations and therefore technically and economically difficult to extract. As such they are often connected with ecological desolation and (in)human exploitation. Rare Earth is sold exclusively on private markets which enhances its obscure aura. Rare Earth is an emblem; a totem. But rare earth is also a substitute term (proposition, figure, transfer) of the comatose pseud-ism ?the contemporary?: a sign of our dispersed times – the age of Rare Earth.? - Boris Ondrei?ka


25 March
16 April
30 April
21 May

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