Date | 17.04.2015 - 18.04.2015
Venue | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 2. OG Mehrzwecksaal, und Mobiles Stadtlabor, (TU Wien, Resselpark/Karlsplatz,1040 Vienna)
PhD Symposium, organized by Prof. Elke Krasny, Ass. Prof. Sabine Knierbein and Prof. Rob Shields.
A politics of care needs to be situated between bodies, place and matter. These come together both as elements of public and political life in cities and as as the subjects of research, knowledge production, and scientific inquiry.
Saturday, 18th April 2015
Venue: Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Multi-Purpose Space (“Mehrzweckhalle”), 2nd floor, Lehargasse 8, 1060, Wien
Panel III - Matter (Rob Shields)
Discussant: Ian Banerjee
9:00 Matter - Introduction (Rob Shields)
9:20 Keynote Speech (Sha XinWei)
9.50 Panel Presentations
The changing role of the public sector in spatial planning (Grazia Bonvissuto, Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Benevolence (Ekaterina Timina, Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Who cares after Red Vienna? Appropriating the city’s places of concern (Tihomir Viderman, Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
11:30 Discussant Feedback (Ian Banerjee)
11:40 General debate (Rob Shields)
12:00 Lunch break
13:30 Networking and Exchange Workshop
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Rapporteurs’ Summary
Panel 1 Bodies (Elke Krasny)
Panel 2 Place (Sabine Knierbein)
Panel 3 Matter (Rob Shields)
Place: Mobiles Stadtlabor Karlsplatz, U-Bahn Station Resselpark, 1040 Vienna
18:00 Book Presentation “Public Space and Relational Perspectives”
Panel Debate with Dr. Sandra Huning (TU Dortmund, Germany), Prof. Kirsten Simonsen (University of Roskilde, Denmark), DI Ian Banerjee (Vienna UT)
20.00 SKuOR Soirée (Reception)
The conference addresses students in the related fields in their late master or PhD phase and encourages them to present their current thesis topic to a wider audience. The programme may be subject to change. Due number of seats, please register for the conference until 12th April 2015 (