teatro si/no drama
No Drama is structured around song and dance.
Like a pizza.
Movement is slow, language is poetic, tone is monotonous, and costumes are rich and heavy.
Like a pizza.
Plots are usually drawn from legend, history, literature and contemporary events.
Like a pizza.
Themes often relate to dreams, supernatural worlds, ghosts and spirits.
Like a pizza.
video screening
monday 10th of march 2014
exhibition on display
wednesday 12th & thursday 13th of march 2014
artists talk
friday 14th of march 2014
salvatore viviano
is an italian visual and performance artist
lives and eats in vienna and leipzig
kitano megumi
is the only japanese female “no” actress
lives and eats in tokyo and napoli
they met for the first time in a fromagerie in 2008
this project is the result of a 6 years joint effort
“teatro si/no drama” is their first and probably last collaboration
“teatro si/no drama” is part of the series “meanwhile in japan”.