We would like to invite you to the opening of the Precarity Office, an informal space for mutual advice and self-organisation, on the 3rd September 2013, from 6-11pm.
Our aim is to create a space for sharing practical and legal knowledge and helping each other find orientation in our flexible and transient work/lives, as well as to learn about each other’s struggles and to support one another.
The opening night of the Precarity Office will feature varied foods and a bar, an open space for chatting and discussing, as well as short films about precarity, migration and self-organisation from 8-10pm.
3rd September, 6-11pm: Precarity Office Opening Night! (Office and bar from 6pm, food 6-8pm, Films 8-10pm)
W23 is located in a stair-passage connecting Wipplingerstrasse and Tiefer Graben – unfortunately access is not step-free, get in touch if you are coming by wheelchair! http://wipplinger23\.blogspot.co.at/