THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013:
Economy of Abundance. Dialog with Wolfgang Hoeschele, Author of “The Economics of Abundance” PublisherReview
Franz Nahrada brings inspirational futurists and friends to invent the future together during 4 comfortable evening salons (Monday-Thursday starting at 7PM) during “FutureWeek” at Karolinenhof Vienna. Featured futurists will present and guide discussions each evening.
Dinner is available for purchase in the new Hanslwirt in Jedlesee restaurant, with specials on the menu to enhance the theme for each night.
Join us for these FUTURE WEEK SALONS at Hotel Karolinehof each evening starting at 7:00 pm.
Cultural Historian Kim Veltman, Scientific Director of VMMI (Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute); author and consultant on implications of new media for scholarship, culture and society.
Abundance Economist Dr. Wolfgang Hoeschele, Professor at Truman State University - Missouri, USA , Author of scholarly articles on environment & society, and author of “Economics of Abundance.”
Evolutionary Intelligence Agents Allan and Sun Lundell, (‘The Futures’, on Future Media creators and radio talk show hosts on KSCO 1080 AM, beaming from Santa Cruz, California….on www, iTunes, and the ionosphere.